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Garden of Eve Community

Everything you need to FINALLY launch your business with confidence and clarity.

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This isn’t just another networking group…

We’ve all experienced the disappointment of joining communities that promise a sisterhood of support only to encounter a reality filled with competition, judgment, and a lack of genuine connection. These spaces, often under the banner of “women supporting women,” can paradoxically leave us feeling more isolated and undervalued, navigating through cliques and competitiveness rather than finding solidarity and encouragement.

That’s precisely why the Garden of Eve Community was born—to offer a refreshing alternative. Here, we’re creating a nurturing environment where every woman is appreciated and empowered, a place free from cattiness and rivalry. Our mission is clear: to provide a safe, supportive oasis where genuine connections flourish, and every member is championed for her unique journey.

It’s a family committed to uplifting each other in every sense.

Who is this community a perfect fit for?

Whether you’re at the seedling stage of your business, scaling the heights of growth, or anywhere in between, if you believe in collaboration over competition, in sharing knowledge freely, and in the power of collective success, then we welcome you with open arms. We’re looking for the dreamers, the doers, the innovators, and the go-getters who are committed to personal development and who are eager to contribute to a community that’s all about giving as much as receiving.

Want a sneak peek at the Garden of Eve experience?

Here is a small sampling of the ever-growing list of what our sisters have access to in the garden.


Workshops of all kinds

We have everything you need to take your business to the next level. Between our free workshops like our Branding Bootcamp, Podcast

Who are my people?

Niche Mastery — Your Secret Weapon: 

Dive into EVE Academy’s signature approach to discovering your unique business niche. We’re not just finding a niche; we’re uncovering your sweet spot where passion meets expertise. This is about making your business a shining star in the entrepreneurial universe, distinct and unparalleled.

What’s the plan?

Solid Business Planning – Your Roadmap to Success

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and draft a business plan combining grace and grit. You’ll be laying down a comprehensive blueprint that ensures every step you take is calculated, strategic, and on solid ground. This is where your dreams start taking a tangible form.

How do I make this legit?

Building on Bedrock—Legal and Financial Fundamentals

  • Demystify the legal and financial maze with ease and flair.
  • Establish a foundation for your business that’s as solid as a rock.
What am I offering?

Creating Your Signature Service Line

  • Develop products or services that not only meet needs but also capture hearts.
  • Emphasize quality and uniqueness, turning your offerings into client magnets.
How do I look the part?

Brand Creation & Online Presence – Your Digital Megaphone

  • Design a brand and online persona that’s like a beacon to your tribe.
  • Learn the art of connecting genuinely and powerfully in the digital world.
How do I get the word out?

Spreading the Word — Marketing Strategy Development

  • Build a marketing plan that speaks directly to the souls of your audience.
  • Become a maestro of messaging that highlights the magic of what you offer.
How do I set up my digital platform?

Your Digital Kingdom: Digital Platform Setup

  • Erect a digital home for your business that’s both inviting and impressive.
  • Turn your website and social media into enchanting spaces that draw people in.
How do I launch?

Launch Like a Star: Planning and Execution

  • Craft a launch that’s not just a start but a grand entrance.
  • Ignite excitement and anticipation, making your debut the talk of the town.

Sound like you? Great!

If you resonate with being a champion for others, if you're ready to dive deep into conversations that matter, and if you're passionate about making a difference not just in your life but in the lives of others, then it's time to step forward. The Garden of Eve Community awaits your unique brilliance, your story, your voice. Let's make magic happen together.

Be Bold, Be Brilliant

It's Your Time to Shine in the World!

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Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Read on to see some of the most frequently asked questions.

How do I start?

Clear Vision & Mission Crafting

Get ready to channel the power of clarity like never before. You’re going to transform those big entrepreneurial dreams into razor-sharp, actionable goals. We’re talking about creating a vision board that doesn’t just look pretty but acts as a daily beacon for your journey, coupled with a mission statement that’s the very heartbeat of your business. This is about setting the stage for success in a way that resonates with every fiber of your being.

Who are my people?

Niche Mastery — Your Secret Weapon

Dive into EVE Academy’s signature approach to discovering your unique business niche. We’re not just finding a niche; we’re uncovering your sweet spot where passion meets expertise. This is about making your business a shining star in the entrepreneurial universe, distinct and unparalleled.

What's the plan?

Solid Business Planning – Your Roadmap to Success

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and draft a business plan combining grace and grit. You’ll be laying down a comprehensive blueprint that ensures every step you take is calculated, strategic, and on solid ground. This is where your dreams start taking a tangible form.

How do I make this legit?

Building on Bedrock—Legal and Financial Fundamentals

  • Demystify the legal and financial maze with ease and flair.
  • Establish a foundation for your business that’s as solid as a rock.

How do I create an offer?

Creating Your Signature Service Line

  • Develop products or services that not only meet needs but also capture hearts.
  • Emphasize quality and uniqueness, turning your offerings into client magnets.

What is branding and how do I create a great one?

Brand Creation & Online Presence – Your Digital Megaphone

  • Design a brand and online persona that’s like a beacon to your tribe.
  • Learn the art of connecting genuinely and powerfully in the digital world.

How do I get the word out?

Spreading the Word — Marketing Strategy Development

  • Build a marketing plan that speaks directly to the souls of your audience.
  • Become a maestro of messaging that highlights the magic of what you offer.

How do I set up my digital platform?

Your Digital Kingdom: Digital Platform Setup

  • Erect a digital home for your business that’s both inviting and impressive.
  • Turn your website and social media into enchanting spaces that draw people in.

How do I launch?

Launch Like a Star: Planning and Execution

  • Craft a launch that’s not just a start but a grand entrance.
  • Ignite excitement and anticipation, making your debut the talk of the town.

Are you ready to feel…


Replace uncertainty with a crystal-clear vision and confidence in your business path.


Transition from an aspiring entrepreneur to a fully empowered, decisive business owner.


Move from isolated efforts to being part of an inspiring, supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs.


Hi, I'm Kendra

Hey there! I’m Kendra Beavis. Welcome to the story of how Eve Academy came to life. Picture this: over 20 years ago, there I was, a budding entrepreneur with big dreams and an even bigger laptop. But as I navigated through the digital world, I realized something vital was missing—a community of women who genuinely supported each other’s business and personal growth. That’s when the idea for Eve Academy was born.

Eve Academy is more than just a digital platform; it’s a dream come true for women who believe in collaboration over competition. Imagine a place where your victories are our victories, where support and enthusiasm for each other’s growth aren’t just words, but actions we live by every day. This is what sets us apart—a sisterhood in business where every member thrives.

As your chief empowerment officer, I’m here to guide you with heart, humor, and a hefty dose of real-world strategies. Think of me as your business bestie, the one who’s got your back with practical tips and a generous sprinkle of fun. We’re here to turn challenges into opportunities and dreams into realities.

At Eve Academy, we’re all about the power of togetherness. We’re not just building businesses but cultivating a movement of women who empower each other. Every lesson and every interaction here is a step towards not just growing your business but also growing as an individual.

So, are you ready to join a community where your entrepreneurial spirit isn’t just understood but celebrated? Let’s embark on this journey together at Eve Academy, where every day is an opportunity for growth, creativity, and shared success. Here’s to making the digital world our collective playground!

Let's Get This Party Started!

Ready rockstar? Your audience is waiting for you! Sign up for the pre-launch now.

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