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Continuing the theme of this season, today I am speaking with Jessica Soares. An empowerment and self-sovereignty coach passionate about helping women remember and own who they really are. Have you ever felt like there’s something more… something holding you back… Why do you continue to make certain choices and find yourself in the same place over and over? Jessica has amazing insight on what’s holding you back and how to move past blocks keeping you in the “valley of inaction”.
Listen in because this one could change your life.
We would love to know what your blocks are? Or what have you achieved that makes you so damn proud?! Leave us a comment on our social and join the conversation.
Kendra Beavis

CEO + Founder, MOKA, Eve Academy, Tribe of Unicorns, Brand New You Methodâ„¢ | Digital Entrepreneur, Empowerment Advocate, Joy Seeker