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Have you ever thought about the concept of sliding doors? I was a huge Paltrow fan (pre-Goop, of course), and her movie, Sliding Doors circa, 1998, made a big impact on my life. Probably too often I find myself thinking about the left I made instead of the right. Like, what if I’d taken the train that day instead of driving into the city? Or the phone call I didn’t take. Or the yes to the blind date that ended up being my husband. These little “what if” moments hit me a lot in life and especially in business. For example, when I said yes to a terrible job in Manhattan or when I signed contracts with what I knew in my gut was a huge red flag client.

So how do we know it’s the right door? 🤔

1. Trust Your Gut, Girl—She Knows What’s Up! 💁‍♀️

First things first, that little voice inside you? It’s not just for not ordering dessert. Your intuition is like your personal GPS for life’s big decisions. Sure, the world will give you a million reasons to overthink, but sometimes your gut just knows. If you’re into meditation, this is a great time to light some sage and sit in a quiet space to meditate on it. If something feels right, even if it’s a little scary (or downright crazy), that might just be your sliding door moment. So, listen up!

2. Step Into the Unknown—That’s Where the Magic Is! 🪄

Let’s get real—nothing exciting ever happens in the comfort zone, (gulp). Those sliding door moments? They’re often disguised as risks. If you’re standing at a crossroads and one path feels safe and predictable while the other is a wild adventure into the unknown, go for the adventure. Because a lot of times, that’s where the magic happens! Fortune favors the bold, and you’re too fabulous to play it safe.

3. Check Your Compass—AKA Your Core Values 🧭

Your values are like your personal North Star, guiding you through life’s twists and turns. When you’re faced with a decision, ask yourself: Does this align with what really matters to me? Will it get me closer to living a life that’s true to who I am? If the answer’s a big fat yes, then you’re on the right path. If not, it might be time to reassess and find a door that better fits your fabulous self.

4. Flip the Script—Ask “Why Not?” 🤷‍♀️

We’ve all been there—agonizing over why we shouldn’t take a risk. But what if you flipped the script and asked yourself, “Why the heck not?” Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, imagine what could go right. Sometimes, a little shift in perspective is all you need to open up a world of possibilities. So, next time you’re hesitating, ask yourself: What is the best thing that could happen if I do take the leap? What might I miss out on? What will I learn?

5. Embrace Change—It’s Your Best Friend in Disguise 🌀

Sliding door moments often show up as changes we didn’t see coming. Instead of resisting, try embracing it. Lean into the mess, the uncertainty, and the adventure. I always look to see the opportunity in the change. What can I gain from this? Like when Adobe releases a new version of Photoshop. People groan and cry that their favorite tool was sidelined, but look at the incredible new bag of tricks they introduced too. Or when your client decides to go in a new direction and close your contract. What are the benefits to you? Can you spend more time trying to woo a new, more ideal client? Or maybe it’s the Universe giving you time to work on the book you’ve been putting off writing for a decade (yeah, I see you). It’s not always a negative. Find the silver lining and embrace it when it comes.

6. Find Your Tribe—The Right People Open the Right Doors 👫

You know what they say: Your vibe attracts your tribe. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, challenge you, and see the greatness in you—even when you don’t. The right people can open doors you didn’t even know existed, so keep your circle strong and supportive. Your community is your superpower! (This is a great time to check out our Garden of Eve community of fearless founders just like yourself.)

7. Learn from the Doors You Did or Didn’t Walk Through—No Regrets! ✌️

Not every door is meant to be walked through, and that’s by design. Sometimes, the choices we don’t make can teach us just as much as the ones we do. I can give you a million examples of this in my own personal and business life, and I truly feel each “no” led me to where and who I am today. I didn’t take the “dream job” back in 2009. I stomach was in knots making this choice. What I didn’t know until years later is I would have been flying all over the country in that position and working crazy hours. I also didn’t know I was about to leave my first husband while pregnant with my daughter and a 2-year-old son. That never would have worked and I’m so blessed that I was protected from that door. Of course, with hindsight, it’s easy to connect the dots and see how each door not opened was a nudge in the right direction. Reflect on the paths you didn’t take—what did you learn? How have those choices shaped who you are today? Use those lessons to navigate your next sliding door moment with even more confidence.

8. Keep Moving Forward—And Eyes Open 🚀

The thing about sliding doors is that life is constantly moving, and so are you. Don’t get stuck in the “did I make the right choice?” spiral. Trust yourself, commit to your decision, and keep pushing forward. Life will throw more doors your way—just make sure you’re ready to step through them when they appear. Keep moving, keep your eyes open, and keep growing.

I know we all have experienced these moments where one decision made with a twist could lead to a wildly different outcome. I approach these moments with a mix of courage, trust, confidence, and a little bit of faith. Trust your gut, embrace change, and never forget who you are and what you stand for. Whether you’re deciding on a new business venture or simply trying to pick between coffee brands, every choice is an opportunity to shape your journey.

So, next time you find yourself at a crossroads, remember: You have all the power in your hands—You are the creator of your story. No matter which door you choose, you’ve got the potential to create something extraordinary.

Here’s to making bold choices, trusting the journey, and stepping into your best life.

Kendra Beavis

CEO + Founder, MOKA, Eve Academy, Tribe of Unicorns, Brand New You Method™ | Digital Entrepreneur, Empowerment Advocate, Joy Seeker