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Breathing therapy for the creative entrepreneur

Episode 11: Benedict Beaumont

Today’s unicorn is a master of breathing! Ben Beaumont is a breathwork facilitator, and he shares in this episode how being in a meditative state helps increase brain function and clarity. That’s something we always want more of!

First off, we started the show taking little short breaths together, so we could feel the difference it makes in our body. If you want to follow along, make sure to tune in!

Former rock band member, teacher, vegetarian, et al., Ben noted when his life went bang (his word), and he started going off the rails of his purpose, that he should really be moving about the world. Then he became an avid traveler. This is where he met a breathwork facilitator, leading to his new specialty.

Three takeaways from this episode of the Tribe of Unicorns podcast.

This is a very different kind of transportive breathing. Not like yoga.
Breathwork hits on all the areas where you want it to work, physical, mental, emotional… If you think you need breathwork, you’re right!

If you want to learn how to breathe correctly (as nature designed you to), tape your mouth shut! No, really! But we don’t recommend taping anyone else’s shut–no matter how strong the urge 😉 After you work through the weirdness, get ready for the transformation.

Breathwork is a reboot for your brain! It enables you to do more, be more efficient. Stay focused on the path you are supposed to be on, and clear the fog that more and more of us experience since we are bombarded all the time by all the things!

Could this be your ticket to the abundance you have always dreamt about?

Tribe of Unicorns Listeners use code: PODCAST50
for 50% off any breathing space classes.

Breathing Space Website

Who is Benedict?

I founded the Breathing Space in 2018 originally to run workshops in devon UK, but I quickly expanded to run retreats and training courses.

In 2 years I ran over 20 retreats, was featured in the Guardian as one of the top wellness destinations in Europe, launched 8 different training courses, including two-year-long facilitator training courses.

For many years I was just a participant in things – I went to yoga classes, workshops and even did the occasional training but nothing really stuck. I was a drifting High School teacher who didn’t know what to do with his life.

While on a holiday in Bali in 2014, I was invited to a Conscious Connected Breathwork session. Within a few breaths, I went to a deeper and more profound place than I had done in fourteen years on a yoga mat and seven on a meditation cushion. It was like fireworks went off in my head. I knew this was my destiny.

I started Breathing Space in 2018 with my wife Jennifer originally just to run workshops in Devon, UK where we lived at the time. Breathing Space quickly expanded into retreats and running training courses.

By September 2019 I had run over 20 retreats and was featured in the Guardian Newspaper as one of the best wellness holidays in Europe. (If you would like to see what people say about them then read and watch some the reviews here)

The first Breathing Space Facilitator Training began in 2019 and we have since launched four different online courses, four different monthly seminars, and a video channel.

I am truly passionate about Breathwork and it has become my life’s work to see it spark change in the lives of others.

Kendra Beavis

CEO + Founder, MOKA, Eve Academy, Tribe of Unicorns, Brand New You Method™ | Digital Entrepreneur, Empowerment Advocate, Joy Seeker