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The Power of Native Content

Why Instagram Content Should Be Made on Instagram for Instagram

In the world of social media strategy, there is an ongoing debate about whether Instagram content should be meticulously curated using third-party apps like Canva or if it should be crafted organically using Instagram’s native features. As a social media strategist who has successfully 10x’ed the growth of multiple accounts, I firmly believe that Instagram content should appear as if it was made on Instagram for Instagram.

In my experience, the more organic a piece of content appears, the more relatable and higher-performing it tends to be. Gone are the days when a perfectly curated grid was the epitome of Instagram success. Today, authenticity and relatability reign supreme.

Organic Content: Relatable and High-Performing

When I take over an account, my first step is to make the Instagram grid more approachable, relatable, and personable. This means using Instagram’s native editing features, fonts, stickers, music, and captions. The result? Content that feels more genuine and less “produced.” This strategy has proven to increase engagement, reach, and ultimately, the number of eyeballs on your content.

The Currency of Attention

In social media, our most valuable currency is attention. We have just 2.5 seconds to capture someone’s interest as they scroll through their feed. By using Instagram’s native features, you create content that feels natural to the platform, making it more likely to stop a user in their tracks.

Leveraging Instagram’s Native Features

Instagram rewards users who spend time on their platform. By utilizing features like native fonts, stickers, and music, you’re making your content more relatable and more likely to be favored by Instagram’s algorithm. The platform can audit who is using these features and who is editing externally, and it stands to reason that Instagram would promote content that keeps users within its ecosystem.

Simplicity Over Sophistication

While maintaining a sophisticated brand image is important, simplicity often leads to better performance on Instagram. Clear, easy-to-read fonts and straightforward messaging resonate more with audiences. In the past month alone, I’ve had three videos go viral, each surpassing 1 million views. The common thread? Simplicity. The content was easy to read, used native features, and felt authentic to the platform.

As an expert in social media strategy, my advice is clear: Make your content look like it was created on Instagram for Instagram. Use the tools and features Instagram provides, and focus on creating relatable, authentic, and simple content. This approach not only enhances your content’s performance but also builds a stronger, more engaged community around your brand.

If you need help creating truly organic content that will resonate on Instagram, reach out to us at or find us on social media at @gosocialup. We can help you elevate your Instagram game and achieve remarkable results.

Meagan Robar

CEO + Founder, SocialUP Social Media Strategist